Self-Service Power Business Intelligence Consulting

Are you spending hours trying to figure out "How do I do this efficiently?" Then our hourly on-demand consulting services are just what you've been looking for.'s consulting services present you with an opportunity to actively participate in the solution-creating process while being able to understand the used methods and therefore take advantage of those methods in performing further tasks.

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Who Benefits from On-Demand Self-Service Power BI Consulting

Power Users
Advanced data analysis methods are not only well suited for financial, controling and analytics departments, but for all active users processing data exporter from enterprise information systems
Managers, partners and business owners
Find out how to get the most out of existing infrastructure with Power BI tools. Compare established procedures with Power BI One-click solutions, find out how to dynamically react to business demands with Self-Service Power BI solutions.
IT staff
Get familiar with tools of an Office user, provide better support and design cost-effective solutions dynamically reacting to business demands
who is interested in Self-Service Power Business Intelligence solutions, who wants to avoid beginners mistakes and who wants to leverage experience of Power BI professionals

Flexible Self-Service Power Business Intelligence Consulting

Power BI Consultations - No Minimum Hours
No minimum hours
Power BI Consultations - On-site consultations
On-site sessions
Power BI Consultations - Consulting Hours Never Expire
Consulting hours never expire
Power BI Consultations - Meetings in one hour blocks
Meetings in 1-hour blocks
Power BI Consultations - Online Consulting
Online consulting
Power BI Consultations - No Contracts to Sign
No contracts to sign

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